Oasis in the Storm

Oasis in the Storm

The Oasis…

In the midst of chaos & unrest, our students & staff have a place to feel safe & enjoy being together as a community! 

We are so grateful to be able to continue caring for infants & toddlers…

And for our preschool classes that are providing a fun learning atmosphere.

We are also grateful for each class in our elementary school & through 7th grade this year!

And… Our skills training continues !!!

We are teaching English, typing & computer skills for adults, teens, our staff…
and elementary students beginning in 4th grade.

The Storm Continues…

More families in the Port-au-Prince area have been forced to flee their homes, and the violence has been devastating.

Apparent Project has had 9 of the 30 staff members relocate due to gang violence.
6 of our staff lived in the area pictured below. Several had their homes burned after they fled.
People pictured here are fleeing their homes!

Gangs arrive equipped with weapons & with an agenda to destroy property & harm people of all ages.

Our staff and students are currently safe, and we are deeply grateful for that.
But this week has been incredibly difficult… and the violence continues.

Please continue to pray for Haiti & the Apparent Project.

  • Please pray for continued safety and physical, emotional, and spiritual protection for our staff, students, and families in our community.
  • Pray for financial provision so we can continue to support our staff and keep our school running.
  • Please pray for the broken people who are causing harm. Pray that God’s love would overcome their fear, that He would bring transformation, and that He would raise up a “Saul” who becomes a “Paul”—a leader who turns toward healing and truth.
  • Please pray for Haiti’s leaders and for those who have come to help restore order. Ask God to guide them, to give them wisdom, and to use them for His purposes.
    May Haiti become a testimony of God’s power to redeem the impossible.
  • Please pray for God’s people in Haiti. Pray that they would hear His voice, bring comfort to the hurting, and work together as a light in the darkness.

Thank you for standing with us. Your prayers mean more than you know.

Join us as we bring hope to our Haitian friends! It’s a wonderful opportunity!


Thank you for your generosity!
Blessings ~ Marilyn Monaghan, Apparent Project Director

Psalm 2:8 “Ask of Me & I’ll give you the Nations as an Inheritance for you!”

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Picture of Marilyn Monaghan

Marilyn Monaghan

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Chaos & oppression in Haiti block opportunities for the poor.

Apparent Project offers the quality education & job skills training needed to help the poor rise up out of poverty and become future leaders of integrity in Haiti.

Psalm 2:8 “Ask of ME, and I will give you the Nations for Your Inheritance…”

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