

Lovana started with Apparent Project in 2010.  She began as a bead roller and made necklaces, selling them on consignment.  She moved to Quality Control and then became a manager when our metal stamping began.  But knowing she has had experience working for an Orphanage, taking care of children, Shelley felt she would make the perfect Manager for our new Daycare program.  And she was right!

The Daycare has been open for a year now and I sat down to chat with Lovana during my recent visit.  It was so nice getting to know her better and learning about how far she had come.

Lovana was married this past December 27 and was excited to show me her wedding photos.  She and her husband are renting land and building a house.  Because she is one of our managers, she is in our new education program (Apparent Project Institute) where she is learning typing, Excel and English.

I asked her what it was like working at the orphanage compared to working at the Daycare.  She said the Daycare was 10 Stars!  It’s so obvious that she loves each of the babies in our program.  She has had some nursing education and she keeps a file for each child.  She tracks any changes and worries about them staying on a schedule and such when they are home over the weekends. She told me that she is so happy to be part of something that is making such a difference.  She loves her job and she loves helping the moms at Apparent Project by giving them a safe place to leave their children while they are working.

Our Daycare couldn’t run without our Nannies and we are especially thankful for Lovana.  She leaves her house each morning at 5 am, taking 3 TapTaps and a MotoTaxi to get to work.  Her bright smile greets the children each day when they arrive at 8 and they are so comfortable with her. She is an excellent Manager and she is proud of the work she is doing in helping to keep families together.  She is so thankful for the continued education and for the opportunity to better herself.

I asked her if there was anything special she wanted people to know about her and she said, “I love my job and I want God to be happy with everything that I do.  Please continue to pray for us (nannies).  That God would bless us and give us the strength and courage we need for everything we do.”


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Picture of Marilyn Monaghan

Marilyn Monaghan

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Chaos & oppression in Haiti block opportunities for the poor.

Apparent Project offers the quality education & job skills training needed to help the poor rise up out of poverty and become future leaders of integrity in Haiti.

Psalm 2:8 “Ask of ME, and I will give you the Nations for Your Inheritance…”

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