This summer has been a whirlwind of activity in preparation for our new Preschool. A lot of effort & planning was done to get the school year started. Bringing in supplies, making the current space workable for classes, repairing & upgrading the rooms. Throughout the summer the focus was definitely on how to make our vision happen. There were 2 key elements that came together making it possible to take a step of faith and begin our new venture.
#1 – The generosity & commitment of Trades of Hope allowed us to take a risk.
#2 – We acquired two excellent teachers, each with over 15 years of experience!
With a long term vision in mind, our American Director/Teacher (Tifaney) was able to obtain the resources necessary to begin “building” our school. Our full-time Haitian teacher (“Kika”) came with a vision to help those in her own country who are less fortunate. She wants to provide an education for Haitian children so they have the opportunities that she has experienced.
Let me introduce you!
Tifaney – Our AP Preschool/Childcare Director & Teacher
Tifaney has lived in Washington for about 14 years. She & her husband Mark moved to Lacey, WA when he accepted the position as Youth Pastor for a local church. Together they have mentored &
trained kids of all ages for many years.
Tifaney has worked as a teacher most of the time here in Washington. She taught the elementary grades for a number of years & spent some time as a preschool teacher, working in a variety of schools, public and private. She is an amazing organizer and planner, and was supposed to be helping assist me here in Washington. However, it became obvious that she was “the one” who could set up a school and make it run! I’m so grateful she accepted the challenge.
Kika – Our Full-time Haitian Teacher
Kika has also taught in a variety of schools… Haitian schools! She and Tifaney think alike, work well together & are the reason our first year will be a success! Kika has the qualifications to meet Haitian expectations. She is fluent in Creole, French and English! In Haiti, the classes are expected to be taught in French! She is fully qualified to do that. And, her English is amazing! Kika’s experience is mainly with elementary & kindergarten age children. It’s become obvious that she also has the organizational & managerial skills to oversee & develop the preschool and other grades as we grow.
We are blessed! Thank you to everyone who has cheered us on and supported us in any way! We appreciate you! We want to continue our adventure in Haiti… an adventure of love that provides opportunity to empower our Haitian friends & families.
Blessings to all of you! Marilyn Monaghan, Apparent Project Director