Progress, Hope & Celebrations

Progress, Hope & Celebrations

Not Just a Building… the Place to Be! A Place of Hope!

The Apparent Project buildings have been empty, lacking the kids & staff, lacking fun, activities & learning that normally occur throughout the year. It’s been a tough time. When no end is in sight, discouragement can set in.

There has been some progress in Haiti – or maybe just some change. It may be temporary, but right now there is fuel available at gas stations. Markets may be open but are still affected by the current situation. Many businesses are open, but it depends on the location. Where gangs are thriving, danger is real. People are still on edge. Kidnappings & other destructive activities occur. Many Haitians are fleeing to other countries. And those who can’t flee don’t feel safe. In addition, there are huge price increases for basic needs. Transportation & fuel costs have soared. $4.15 for a liter of gas!!  Clean drinking water has doubled in price. And so many people haven’t had work for months. Hunger is a real problem for many Haitians right now.

Apparent Project Students

We’ve asked a few kids (and also a parent) how they a doing while waiting for “normalcy” in Haiti to return, and for school to begin. Jhon, a 2nd grader, expressed boredom & ended with “I want to know when school will start again.”

Samuel – a 1st grader also answered questions.

  • Are you in the countryside or are you still at home? I’m at home.
  • What’s it like being at home right now? It’s not good.
  • What’s it like not being able to go to school? It’s boring. I miss my friends and my teacher.
  • How do you spend your time? Playing
  • What’s the hardest thing right now? Not being at school. I can’t go to school.
  • Is there anything else you want to share?
    Anytime school starts, I won’t miss any day of school. Even if I’m sick, I still want to go to school.

Samuel’s mother also answered questions.

  • Where are you finding hope right now? There’s hope only in trusting God.
  • How does this affect/impact your view/understanding/faith in God?
    That’s affected me cause my husband spent almost 2 months without going to work. That means that things are getting worse for us. When there’s no work, there’s no way to be able to buy things that we need daily.
Apparent Project Staff

Both kids, parents & staff want school to start! As soon as possible. This week the staff has been busy at AP getting ready & hoping that maybe… just maybe… school will open this coming week.  They spent time labeling & covering all the books that Apparent Project owns. It is normal for parents in Haiti to purchase new books for each child every year. We are grateful that we can now assign books to a child and re-use them every year! (Thank you to those who donated to the book fund!!)

There was hope for possibly opening school on Monday, but “manifestations” are scheduled for Monday. Organized protests can result in damage to property & other devastating outcomes. It also brings fear & paralyzes activities throughout the area. So… maybe Tuesday! It’s possible!!!

There is HOPE!

Once again… thank you to all our faithful supporters who have PRAYED FOR A BREAKTHROUGH IN HAITI, and who have been on the JOURNEY with Apparent Project… some of you for many years! We are grateful for your support!

In many countries, there are “designated” days of celebration! Mother’s Day, Father’s Day… many holidays! In the USA, we even have a designated day of Generosity! It’s coming up soon! It’s called “Giving Tuesday!”

Celebrations are GREAT! WE CELEBRATE YOU!

For your FAITHFULNESS, your HEART to serve others & your GENEROSITY.
You give of your time, your resources, your prayers and more. Thank you so much!

Hoping to be CELEBRATING with you on Giving Tuesday.
We are searching for more people like you to help with the $400/month for AP Haiti salaries.
There has been progress toward the goal of recurring income covering all 34 salaries.
We will be offering incentives! And, there’s a matching donation that will help!
Invite someone or some group with a heart for Haiti to join us! 

We will celebrate success! Success at stabilizing our AP Haiti staff salaries!
Let’s make this happen!


I love where Samuel’s mom places her hope! “There’s hope only in trusting God!”

He is the Faithful One! We are trusting in Him, too! 

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Picture of Marilyn Monaghan

Marilyn Monaghan

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Chaos & oppression in Haiti block opportunities for the poor.

Apparent Project offers the quality education & job skills training needed to help the poor rise up out of poverty and become future leaders of integrity in Haiti.

Psalm 2:8 “Ask of ME, and I will give you the Nations for Your Inheritance…”

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