Back to school seems like the perfect season to revamp the AP blog and start with going back to the basics. Who are we, what do we do, how are we making an impact in Haiti, and some of the challenges that are part of working in Haiti.
Let’s start by sharing our mission statement, because it truly encompasses who we are, and how we evaluate the decisions we make as an organization – what programs we will grow, what we focus on, and how new ideas enhance what is already happening.
Apparent Project works to empower Haitian families through sales, childcare, early education, and job skills training. Over the coming weeks we will dig more into how we work in those areas, so you can get to know us better and be more connected to what we do.
A great way to see how we got to where we are is to follow along the timeline of our story and see the progression of programs we offer, based on seeing the next logical need in working with families and helping them stay together. You can read our story here: Our Story