What in the kosmos does this have to do with James 1:27?
For those of our readers who are agnostics, atheists, Bhuddists, Hindus, New Agers, seekers, post-Christian, neo-pagan, or secular-curious, this post will be an interesting little sociological peek into what makes Christians do some of the things they do (particularly the things they do for orphans). For Christian readers it may make you rethink some of […]
Joing forces… the Barlow’s on board!
http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=caaf2697932ad8c2d11cf44bb&id=921f76d480 Exciting News:AP has new staff in Haiti! Follow the link to read about what they will be doing to expand the reach of Apparent Project’s Mission! Welcome Barlow Family!!